Get Involved!
We rely on volunteers to make church happen each week. Here are some of the opportunities to contribute to our worshiping community.
St. Isidore's Guild
St. Isidore of Seville (560 – 636 A.D.) was a Spanish priest and archbishop whose love of learning inspired him to gather the sum of all human knowledge into a 20-volume collection of books called the Etymologiae (sort of a primitive version of Wikipedia). He is the unofficial patron saint of technology and computer users.
What is St. Isidore's Guild?St. Isidore's Guild is Christ Church's volunteer audio/tech group, and we really need your help!
What does the Guild Do?St. Isidore's Guild keeps members of Christ Church connected by filming services for our weekly livestreams, by setting up Zoom meetings in our Parish Hall tech hub, by making sure all of our service recording files are properly labeled and archived, and lots more.
Do I have to be a tech genius to help out?Absolutely not! Running the Sunday livestream is easier than you think — basically, if you've ever used a smart phone to check your email or connect with people on Facebook, you pretty much have all the skills you need. And if there's anything you're not familiar with, the Guild is always more than happy to help. We're constantly learning new things ourselves, and we invite you to join us so that we can learn and grow together.
How Do I Sign Up?Contact the Christ Church office to schedule a short orientation to the Guild (this usually takes less than an hour), and to be added to the Guild's volunteer rotation.
Altar Guild
Eucharistic Ministry, Reading, and Greeting
What are these tasks?Our church has different tasks at each service that can help with members to demonstrate what abilities they possess in our church to help. Through participating as the Eucharistic Minister role, you help serve the Body and the Blood during the Holy Communion during service. For our position as Reader, each Sunday has new readings that consist of roughly two to three readings and a psalm that can be read either breaking at the half-verse or in unison. The role of Reader leads the service through the readings on the Sunday that they are assigned. For the role of Greeter, they will show up slightly earlier than the others attending the service, typically around 10:10 A.M. to 10:15 A.M. to help keep count of every member to come, make sure that there are members accounted for on the entry log, and to help the Presider at the end of the service to inform them of the total number of in-person visitors to the church.
How Do I Sign Up?Contact the Christ Church office to be added to the weekly rotation. Each Sunday that you are scheduled, you will be sent an email detailing what the tasks are in case you require a refresher on this information. Also, you can always contact the Secretary if there is any information that is unclear or not fully understood.